
A message from our CEO

CEO:Yutaka Watanabe Welcome to Fuji Kasei’s website.
Fuji Kasei was founded in 1968. We started our business with East Asia as the center of our operations. We have expanded from Japan to serve markets around the world, and our products are now found in dozens of countries across the globe. Over the years, we have established a leading position in the international chemical trading industry as a reliable and reputable chemical supplier.
Behind our success stands a reputation for high quality products coupled with careful attention to customer needs and a commitment to both safety and detailed service. We have built a strong network responsive to the changes shaping the trends of the times and the world in which we live.
We continue to make every effort to deliver products that provide full customer satisfaction.
We hope you will find our website informative and interesting.


We identify clearly defined objectives, draw up plans, and take all necessary action Proud to be a company useful to society and people Prosperity for our company and all stakeholders and customers


CASE1 Business in Bangladesh
We have been dealing with many customers in Bangladesh since before its independence and we have built a strong sales network.
CASE2 Domestic Sales
(Local & Import Purchasing)
Our domestic market is developing rapidly with Expansion of Domestic Demand.
Network of Fuji Kasei

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